


My name is Jolie Peterson; I am a mother of three beautiful children, who have been the most prominent supporters in my recovery and our journey together. I want to share my story with you on why I am passionate about Personalized Medicine and how it helped me on the road to recovery for the last 10 years.

On February 6th, 2013, I suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) from a multi-vehicle accident (MVA) on I-95 in St. Augustine, Florida. My car was totaled, and I required the "Jaws of Life" to remove me from the vehicle. I was seeing five doctors, which was followed by continued doctor appointments for the next few years. I had a Neurologist for my TBI that helped me with my cluster headaches, migraines, and neck pain. The neck pain was from bulging discs at C2-C6, and a Cardiologist ran preliminary testing as I was revived on the scene. Six months after the accident, a Neuropsychologist evaluated me to get a baseline of my cognitive function, and the results found that my memory & concentration was below average. I saw an Ophthalmologist for my double vision, a Psychiatrist because of depression, anxiety, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) resulting from my accident.

As my symptoms worsened, I experienced chronic pain in my neck, and cluster headaches from three areas that were injured from the SUV that ran into my car. One part of my brain that was damaged was the Occipital lobe that affects vision, and I was diagnosed with double vision. My pre-frontal cortex, which handles your emotions, was severely affected. The pain from my headaches got worse. Multiple prescription medications did not help me either and just made my symptoms worse as a result I have found Kratom and Kava have helped in my multifactorial approach back to health.

Recovery began through Personalized Medicine when I met a health team in Winter park, Florida who trained me as a consultant 8 years ago to help educate our clients on Personalized Medicine. My 19 years of experience in clinical research as a research assistant, recruiter, and in business development with some of the largest clinical research sites throughout Orlando and Florida helped prepare me to enter this field. At SPH, we look at the body as a whole and not in isolation, meaning we treat multiple systems of the body, not just one area at a time. After my 2nd year of working as a consultant in Personalized Medicine I enrolled at Rollins College and learned about "Social Entrepreneurship," and business management skills.

I found Kratom has helped with my severe neck pain from bulging discs C2-C6 and cluster headaches. Kava has offered me an organic alternative to alcohol for anxiety and sleep aid that is healthier for my body.

I am continuing to consult in Personalized Medicine through SudanKavaBar.com and our plant-based products. I am using my experience and knowledge of health to educate you on advanced testing, optimal hormone levels, nutrition, exercise, and community. I also started the first disability group for the "Holt," students at Rollins college for non-traditional students called "Support, Opportunity, & Community." I recognized the value of educating the students about their health and utilizing resources available to them. I saw the "Holt" students like myself valuably needing these tools to be successful while pursuing their higher education. Show me your community, and I will show you your health.

SudanKavaBar.com would like to educate each one of you on how you can become the CEO of your health. Personalized Medicine can potentially save your life with a multi-factorial approach to your health, to include additional services like Bioidentical hormones, plant-based products Kratom & Kava, & other health essentials.

Thank you for reading my story about how plant-based products, Kratom, and Kava saved my life and continues to help me daily as a multi-factorial approach to my health.